
xmorph: A morphing program

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
This morphing program reads two images in Targa format and computes the transitions from one image to the other (arbitrarily many steps). To avoid a simple fading effect, the program needs information about the shapes contained in the two images. This is done by using a grid consisting of connected checkpoints. The source grid is then transformed into the destination grid during the morphing process. Authors: -------- Michael J. Gourlay <>
Installieren: xmorph.jpg Status: xmorph.png Umfang:483 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

gtkmorph IInfo.png

morph IInfo.png

xmorph IInfo.png