
unhide_rb: Finder of Hidden Processes

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
Unhide.rb is a tool that attempts to find processes hidden by rootkits. It does that by scanning for processes in many different ways, and then lists processes found through some means but not through others. Unhide.rb is a reimplementation of unhide in Ruby. At the time of writing unhide.rb, the relationships between the two programs are: * Unhide.rb does the same checks as "unhide proc" and "unhide sys" * Unhide.rb is about 10x faster than the original C code (7s vs 70s) * Unhide.rb is only about half as much code as the original C code, so it should be easier to maintain / extend * Unhide.rb has better diagnostics when hidden processes are found
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Paket enthält Anwendung:

unhide.rb IInfo.png