Development/Libraries/C and C++

libxspf4: Provides XSPF playlist reading and writing support

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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
libxspf brings XSPF playlist reading and writing support to your C++ application. Both version 0 and 1 are supported. libxspf uses Expat for XML parsing and CppTest for unit testing. libxspf is the official reference implementation for XSPF of the Xiph.Org Foundation. Features * Full conformance to the XSPF specification * Cross-platform (Unix, Windows, Mac OS X, ...) * Read and write XSPF files * XSPF-0 and XSPF-1 support * Unicode support * Full support for XSPF extensions * Full support for XML namespaces * Fast (XML parsing is done by Expat) * Uses unit testing * Liberal license: New BSD license Authors: -------- Sebastian Pipping, Ed Schouten,
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