Development/Libraries/C and C++

libgpgme-devel: A Library Designed to give Applications easy Access to GnuPG

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME) is a library designed to make access to GnuPG easier for applications. It provides a high-level Crypto API for encryption, decryption, signing, signature verification, and key management. Currently it uses GnuPG as its back-end, but the API is not restricted to this engine. Who Should use GPGME? Because the direct use of GnuPG from an application can be a complicated programming task, it is suggested that all software should try to use GPGME instead. This way bug fixes or improvements can be done at a central place and every application benefits from this. Authors of MUAs should especially consider using GPGME. Creating a set of standard widgets for common key selection tasks is even planned.
Installieren: libgpgme-devel.jpg Status: libgpgme-devel.png Umfang:23 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

gpgme-config IInfo.png