
libofx: OFX Command Parser and API

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
LibOFX is a parser and API designed to allow applications to support OFX command responses, usually provided by financial institutions for statement downloads. The author says, "To my knowledge, it is the first working OpenSource implementations of the OFX (Open Financial eXchange) specification on the client side. This project was first started as my end of degree project, with the goal of adding OFX support to GnuCash. It has since evolved into a generic library, so all OpenSource Financial software can benefit from it."
Installieren: libofx.jpg Status: libofx.png Umfang:102 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

ofx2qif IInfo.png

ofxconnect IInfo.png

ofxdump IInfo.png