
wwwoffle: World Wide Web Offline Proxy

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
A proxy HTTP server for computers with dial-up internet access. - Caching of pages viewed while connected for review later. - Browsing of cached pages while not connected, with the ability to follow links and mark other pages for download. - Non-interactive downloading of specified pages. - Multiple indices of pages stored in cache for easy selection. - Interactive or command line option to select pages for fetching individually or recursively. - All options controlled using a simple configuration file with a web page to edit it.
Installieren: wwwoffle.jpg Status: wwwoffle.png Umfang:840 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

wwwoffle IInfo.png

wwwoffle-fsck IInfo.png

wwwoffle-gunzip IInfo.png

wwwoffle-gzip IInfo.png

wwwoffle-hash IInfo.png

wwwoffle-ls IInfo.png

wwwoffle-mv IInfo.png

wwwoffle-read IInfo.png

wwwoffle-rm IInfo.png

wwwoffle-tools IInfo.png

wwwoffle-write IInfo.png