
sil-doulos: smart Unicode font for Latin and Cyrillic scripts

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(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
The goal for this product was to provide a single Unicode-based font family that would contain a comprehensive inventory of glyphs needed for almost any Roman- or Cyrillic-based writing system, whether used for phonetic or orthographic needs. In addition, there is provision for other characters and symbols useful to linguists. This font makes use of state-of-the-art font technologies to support complex typographic issues, such as the need to position arbitrary combinations of base glyphs and diacritics optimally. Doulos is very similar to Times/Times New Roman, but only has a single face - regular. It is intended for use alongside other Times-like fonts where a range of styles (italic, bold) are not needed. The Doulos SIL font contains near-complete coverage of all the characters defined in Unicode 4.1 for Latin and Cyrillic. In total, over 2,400 glyphs are included, providing support for over 1,900 characters as well as a large number of ligated character sequences (e.g., contour tone letters used in phonetic transcription of tonal languages). In addition, alternately-designed glyphs are also provided for a number of characters for use in particular contexts. The glyphs are accessible in applications that support advanced font technologies, specifically the Graphite or OpenType technologies. These technologies are also utilized to provide automatic positioning of diacritics relative to base characters in arbitrary base+diacritic combinations (including combinations involving multiple diacritics). Some important issues with respect to Unicode need to be borne in mind. Unicode is a character encoding and not a glyph encoding. Thus you should endeavor to use the character that reflects your character needs rather than finding a glyph that looks right and using its character code. Thus, for example, there is only one code for CAPITAL ENG (U+014A), although there are 4 different glyph shapes for this character in use around the world. Therefore it is necessary to use other means, such as user-selectable font features, to ensure that your document displays the right glyph for the character that you are anticipating. The advanced typographic capabilities mentioned above provide this very capability. Authors: -------- Non-Roman Script Initiative, SIL International <>
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