
pilot-link: Pilot-Link Based Synchronization Development Header Files

IInfo.png projhp.png wikart.png
(auf gut Glück) (meist engl.) (falls vorhanden)

Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
pilot-link is a suite of tools used to connect your Palm or PalmOS compatible handheld with Unix, Linux, and any other POSIX-compatible machine. pilot-link works with all PalmOS handhelds, including those made by Handspring, Sony, and Palm, as well as others. pilot-link includes userspace "conduits" that allow you to synchronize information to and from your Palm device, as well as libraries of Palm-compatible functions that allow other applications to take advantage of the code included in pilot-link. There are also several language "bindings" that allow you to use your favorite development language with pilot-link, such as Java, Tcl, Perl, and Python. Authors: -------- Kenneth Albanowski <kjahds@kjahds.com>
Installieren: pilot-link.jpg Status: pilot-link.png Umfang:392 KiB

Paket enthält Anwendung:

pilot-addresses IInfo.png

pilot-clip IInfo.png

pilot-csd IInfo.png

pilot-debugsh IInfo.png

pilot-dedupe IInfo.png

pilot-dlpsh IInfo.png

pilot-file IInfo.png

pilot-foto IInfo.png

pilot-foto-treo600 IInfo.png

pilot-foto-treo650 IInfo.png

pilot-getram IInfo.png

pilot-getrom IInfo.png

pilot-getromtoken IInfo.png

pilot-hinotes IInfo.png

pilot-install-datebook IInfo.png

pilot-install-expenses IInfo.png

pilot-install-hinote IInfo.png

pilot-install-memo IInfo.png

pilot-install-netsync IInfo.png

pilot-install-todo IInfo.png

pilot-install-todos IInfo.png

pilot-install-user IInfo.png

pilot-memos IInfo.png

pilot-nredir IInfo.png

pilot-read-expenses IInfo.png

pilot-read-ical IInfo.png

pilot-read-notepad IInfo.png

pilot-read-palmpix IInfo.png

pilot-read-screenshot IInfo.png

pilot-read-todos IInfo.png

pilot-read-veo IInfo.png

pilot-reminders IInfo.png

pilot-schlep IInfo.png

pilot-wav IInfo.png

pilot-xfer IInfo.png