
libfuse2: Library of FUSE, the User space File System for GNU/Linux and BSD

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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
With FUSE, a user space program can export a file system through the kernel-default (Linux kernel). A FUSE file system which only needs libfuse2 is ntfs-3g, other FUSE file systems might need the fuse package in addition to have fusermount and /sbin/mount.fuse. User space file systems which are implemented using FUSE are provided by the following packages: - curlftpfs (mount FTP servers), - encfs (layered file encryption), - fuseiso (mount iso, img, bin, mdf and nrg CD-ROM images), - fusepod (mount iPods), - fusesmb (mount a fully browseable network neighborhood), - gphotofs (mount gphoto-supported cameras), - ntfs-3g (mount NTFS volumes read-write), - obexfs (mount of bluetooth devices), - sshfs (mount over ssh), - wdfs (mount of WebDAV shares) After installing fuse-devel, administrators can compile and install other user space file systems which can be found at Authors: -------- Miklos Szeredi <>
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