Logging Out

When you are finished using the computer, you can log out and leave the system running, or restart or shut down the computer.

Logging Out or Switching Users

Click Computer+Logout, then select one of the following options:

Log out

Logs you out of the current session and returns you to the login screen.

Switch User

Suspends your session, allowing another user to log in and use the computer.

Restarting or Shutting Down the Computer

Click Computer+Shutdown, then select one of the following options:


Logs you out of the current session, then turns off the computer.


Logs you out of the current session, then restarts the computer.


Puts your computer in a temporary state that conserves power. The state of your session is preserved, however, including all applications you have running and all documents you have open.


Suspends your session, using no power until the computer is restarted. The state of your session is preserved, however, including all applications you have running and all documents you have open.