
perl-Date-Manip: Date manipulation routines

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Zusammenfassung (meist engl.)
Date::Manip is a series of modules designed to make any common date/time manipulation easy to do. Operations such as comparing two times, calculating a time a given amount of time from another, or parsing international times are all easily done. From the very beginning, the main focus of Date::Manip has been to be able to do ANY desired date/time operation easily, not necessarily quickly. Also, it is definitely oriented towards the type of operations we (as people) tend to think of rather than those operations used routinely by computers. There are other modules that can do a subset of the operations available in Date::Manip much quicker than those presented here, so be sure to read the section SHOULD I USE DATE::MANIP in the Date::Manip::Misc document before deciding which of the Date and Time modules from CPAN is for you. Authors: -------- Sullivan Beck <>
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